Time Flies and Stuff

It has been a while since my last post. Not from a lack of things happening, but because I recently went back to work full time. Trying to fit everything into the day something’s going to fall through the cracks.

The garden work continues although we’ve had some setbacks in the form of frost. The one evening I didn’t check the forecast we woke up to frost. Of course we had just planted our squash, pumpkin and cucumber seedlings a day or so before. We lost most of them and just a couple of the tomato plants. The corn and onions seem to be thriving, however.

The chickens are in the teenager phase already. I am amazed at how fast they grow. One can see the changes daily. They are out in the grass every day decimating the bugs and dandelions. I especially like the fact they seem to have a taste for mosquitoes, which have been terrible this year.

I got the lawn tractor into the shed and pulled the transmission. It was pretty obvious what the issue was.

I opened it up and one of the gears is missing 15 teeth.

A new transmission from John Deere is around $1000. I found the parts on eBay for around two to three hundred.

So much to do, never a dull moment.

2 thoughts on “Time Flies and Stuff

  1. Congratulations on working again, blogging, farming and doing repairs is more than a full-time job, good luck with the repairs. Too bad about the frost on the garden.


  2. Great to hear about the job, that will certainly help in your everyday living. It does give you a challenge keeping up with the garden and work around the property though. Good thing you are young!
    I’m sorry to read that you lost some veggies from the frost, we are getting cold 8C nights here but not frosty at least. Great that you found parts for your tractor at a bargain, every little savings helps. 🙂
    PS – thanks for the update!

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